Montana Museum of Mountain Flying -- The Museum of Mountain Flying's mission is to preserve for future generations, the legends, lore and historical legacy of pilots and other individuals whose pioneering aviation exploits helped bring America's Rocky Mountain West into the Air Age. It is the Official Home of DC-3 "Miss Montana."

1895 Montana State Map -- An interesting look at what once was.

Historical Sectional Chart Archive -- From Library of Congress. Various years. (Note: Old sectionals used different city names than current publications.)


Code of Federal Regulations -- The Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR) provides a way of exploring the most current Code of Federal Regulations.

AIM -- Electronic Aeronautical Information Manual.

NASA's ASRS Form 277B -- Aviation Safety Reporting System. Administered by NASA, the ASRS collects, analyzes, and responds to voluntarily submitted aviation safety incident reports in order to lessen the likelihood of aviation accidents.

FAA Publications -- Get 'em here! Manuals. Handbooks. Advisory Circulars. Airworthiness Directives. TFRs.

FAASTeam -- FAA Safety Team exists to lower the Nation's aviation accident rate by conveying safety principles and practices through training, outreach, education, and encouraging the continual growth of a positive safety culture within the aviation community.


1-800-WX-BRIEF -- FAA vendor for oficial flight service weather and cross country planning. Administered by Leidos. -- On-line digital charts approach plates and weather.

NWS 7-day Forecast -- National Weather Service location extended forecast. Set your desired location.

Montana State Aeronautics Airport Directory -- PDF directory of Montana airports available from a link here ( ). Also here is an interactive directory.

Montana State Aeronautics Aeronautical Chart -- PDF aeronautical chart published by the state. Or get it directly from here :

FAA Weather Cameras -- Montana airport weather cameras.

NorthWestern Energy Smoke-Detection Cameras -- NorthWestern Energy has installed smoke detection cameras across their Montana service territory to help identify wildfires as soon as they start..

Airport Courtesy Cars -- Find Airports That Provide Courtesy Vehicles, and Airport Cafes Too...

Happy (con)trails --

ATP Multi-engine, Land
Commercial Pilot - Airplane Single-Engine, Land & Glider
Certificated Flight Instructor
Airplane Single & Multi-engine, Land (CFI-SE/ME)
Instrument Airplane & Glider (CFII & CFI-G)