Big Sky Weekly

In 1997 the Big Sky Weekly was looking to expand their content. A client had been receiving my newsletters, "InFormation," and recommended me to them. My column ran from 3 December until 10 July 1998. I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity. The articles ceased when the newspaper sold and the new owner chose not to continue the column. Here is my web page created at the time, along with links to the articles (except the first one of 3 December 1997 which is missing from my archives).


Big Sky Weekly Columns

by Tom Nagorski

Aviation is the best kept secret in town. It motivates and gives wings to dreams. Flying is used to sell everything from automobiles to toothpaste. But it is this very mystique which alienates general aviation from the non-flying public. So we end up with burdensome regulations and unjustifiable taxes foisted upon us by "experts" selling snake oil to an unsuspecting public. Aviators must be fat-cats or daredevils. Either way (so the argument goes) they're having too much fun for public safety.

Folks, 'taint so! Pilots are just like you and me -- responsible, educated, critically-thinking adults capable of safely going about their everyday pursuits without some tax-supported bureaucrat thinking their definition of "safety" is better than all others.

At Paragon we are passionate champions of general aviation. Through newspaper articles and newsletters we're bringing our message to the people, correcting some misperceptions, and calling non-flyers to the fold. Here are some reprints from the past few years.

(c) 1997-2024 -- Thomas J. Nagorski, Paragon Air Adventures, LLC

Happy (con)trails --

ATP Multi-engine, Land
Commercial Pilot - Airplane Single-Engine, Land & Glider
Certificated Flight Instructor
Airplane Single & Multi-engine, Land (CFI-SE/ME)
Instrument Airplane & Glider (CFII & CFI-G)