Buyer Beware with college “career” programs

July 31st, 2012

 For-profit colleges scrutinized

WASHINGTON — For-profit colleges put revenues above education, and charge students high tuition and loan rates that could leave them in debt for years, a Senate Democratic report said Monday.

While students are aggressively recruited, they drop out in high numbers without the degree or certificate initially sought, the report said. It found that 54 percent of students enrolled in 2008-2009 left without a degree or certificate by mid-2010. When two-year associate degree programs were studied, 63 percent left without a degree.

The staff report was issued by Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, chairman of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.

According to the report, students at for-profit schools faced tuition for bachelor’s programs that averaged 20 percent more than for similar programs at flagship public universities. Associated degree programs averaged four times the cost of similar programs at comparable community colleges, and certificate programs averaged four-and-a-half times the cost at comparable community colleges.

The report said veterans were among those vulnerable to the tactics by for-profit schools, since these colleges receive the largest share of military educational benefit programs. Eight of the top 10 recipients of GI bill money since the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks went to for-profit education companies.

Once the students were enrolled, 96 percent needed student loans, according to Department of Education information. Fifty-seven percent of bachelor’s degree students who graduated from a for-profit college owed $30,000 or more, compared to 25 percent of those earning degrees in the private, nonprofit sector and 12 percent from public colleges.

“Because many students who attend for-profit colleges are unable to get financing through private lending companies, many participate in institutional loan programs operated by for-profit education companies,” the report said.

In 2009, seven large for-profit education companies offered institutional loans with interest rates ranging from 11.2 percent to 18 percent. During the same period, the Stafford federal loan rate was 5.6 percent.

In addition to the high loan rates and debt, students leaving private colleges had a difficult time finding jobs.

–Source: Bozeman Daily Chronicle, Tuesday July 31, 2012, pg. A4


Gallatin Field To Increase Airport Security

March 27th, 2012

Obama’s Stolen SSN 042-68-4425

March 23rd, 2012

From Walter Music


An intensive investigation has revealed the identity of the man whose Social Security Number(SSN) is being used by President Obama: Was Jean Paul Ludwig , who was born in France in 1890, immigrated to the United States in 1924, and was assigned SSN 042-68-4425 ( Obama’s current SSN ) rec’d on or about March 1977.


Obama never lived or worked in that state! Therefore, there is no reason on earth for his SSN to start with the digits 042. None whatsoever!


Now comes the best part! Ludwig spent the final months of his life in Hawaii, where he died.


Conveniently, Obama’s grandmother, Madelyn Payne Dunham, worked part-time in the Probate Office in the Honolulu Hawaii Courthouse, and therefore had access to the SSNs of deceased individuals.


The Social Security Administration was never informed of Ludwig’s death, and because he never received Social Security benefits there were no benefits to stop and therefore, no questions were ever raised.

The Day Japan Bombed Oregon

March 22nd, 2012

From Roy Lindgren

September 9, 1942, the I-25 class Japanese submarine was cruising in an easterly direction raising its periscope occasionally as it neared the United States Coastline. Japan had attacked Pearl Harbor less than a year ago and the Captain of the attack submarine knew that Americans were watching their coast line for ships and aircraft that might attack our country. Dawn was approaching; the first rays of the sun were flickering off the periscopes lens. Their mission; attack the west coast with incendiary bombs in hopes of starting a devastating forest fire. If this test run were successful, Japan had hopes of using their huge submarine fleet to attack the eastern end of the Panama Canal to slow down shipping from the Atlantic to the Pacific. The Japanese Navy had a large number of I-400 submarines under construction. Each capable of carrying three aircraft. Pilot Chief Warrant Officer Nobuo Fujita and his crewman Petty Officer Shoji Okuda were making last minute checks of their charts making sure they matched those of the submarine’s navigator.



The only plane ever to drop a bomb on the United States during WWII was this submarine based Glen.


September 9, 1942: Nebraska forestry student Keith V. Johnson was on duty atop a forest fire lookout tower between Gold Beach and Brookings Oregon . Keith had memorized the silhouettes of Japanese long distance bombers and those of our own aircraft. He felt confident that he could spot and identify, friend or foe, almost immediately. It was cold on the coast this September morning , and quiet. The residents of the area were still in bed or preparing to head for work. Lumber was a large part of the industry in Brookings, just a few miles north of the California Oregon state lines.



The aircraft carried two incendiary 168 pound bombs and a crew of two.


Aboard the submarine the Captain’s voice boomed over the PA system, Prepare to surface, aircrew report to your stations, wait for the open hatch signal. During training runs several subs were lost when hangar door were opened too soon and sea water rushed into the hangars and sank the boat with all hands lost. You could hear the change of sound as the bow of the I-25 broke from the depths, nosed over for its run on the surface. A loud bell signaled the All Clear. The crew assigned to the single engine Yokosuki E14Ys float equipped observation and light attack aircraft sprang into action. They rolled the plane out its hangar built next to the conning tower. The wings and tail were unfolded, and several 176 pound incendiary bombs were attached to the hard points under the wings. This was a small two passenger float plane with a nine cylinder 340 hp radial engine. It was full daylight when the Captain ordered the aircraft to be placed on the catapult. Warrant Officer Fujita started the engine, let it warm up, checked the magnetos and oil pressure. There was a slight breeze blowing and the seas were calm. A perfect day to attack the United States of America . When the gauges were in the green the pilot signaled and the catapult launched the aircraft. After a short climb to altitude the pilot turned on a heading for the Oregon coast.



The Glen was launched via catapult from a I-25 class Japanese submarine.


Johnson was sweeping the horizon but could see nothing, he went back to his duties as a forestry agent which was searching for any signs of a forest fire. The morning moved on. Every few minutes he would scan low, medium and high but nothing caught his eye. The small Japanese float plane had climbed to several thousand feet of altitude for better visibility and to get above the coastal fog. The pilot had calculated land fall in a few minutes and right on schedule he could see the breakers flashing white as they hit the Oregon shores. Johnson was about to put his binoculars down when something flashed in the sun just above the fog bank. It was unusual because in the past all air traffic had been flying up and down the coast, not aiming into the coast. The pilot of the aircraft checked his course and alerted his observer to be on the lookout for a fire tower which was on the edge of the wooded area where they were supposed to drop their bombs. These airplanes carried very little fuel and all flights were in and out without any loitering. The plane reached the shore line and the pilot made a course correction 20 degrees to the north. The huge trees were easy to spot and certainly easy to hit with the bombs. The fog was very wispy by this time.



Warrant Officer Fujita is shown with his Yokosuka E14Y (Glen) float plane prior to his flight.


Johnson watched in awe as the small floatplane with a red meat ball on the wings flew overhead, the plane was not a bomber and there was no way that it could have flown across the Pacific, Johnson could not understand what was happening. He locked onto the plane and followed it as it headed inland.

The pilot activated the release locks so that when he could pickled the bombs they would release. His instructions were simple, fly at 500 feet, drop the bombs into the trees and circle once to see if they had started any fires and then head back to the submarine. Johnson could see the two bombs under the wing of the plane and knew that they would be dropped. He grabbed his communications radio and called the Forest Fire Headquarters informing them of what he was watching unfold.

The bombs tumbled from the small seaplane and impacted the forests, the pilot circled once and spotted fire around the impact point. He executed an 180 degree turn and headed back to the submarine. There was no air activity, the skies were clear. The small float plane lined up with the surfaced submarine and landed gently on the ocean, then taxied to the sub. A long boom swung out from the stern. His crewman caught the cable and hooked it into the pickup attached to the roll over cage between the cockpits. The plane was swung onto the deck, The plane’s crew folded the wings and tail, pushed it into its hangar and secured the water tight doors. The I-25 submerged and headed back to Japan. This event, which caused no damage, marked the only time during World War II that an enemy plane had dropped bombs on the United States mainland. What the Japanese didn’t count on was coastal fog, mist and heavy doses of rain made the forests so wet they simply would not catch fire.


This Memorial Plaque is located in Brookings , Oregon at the site of the 1942 bombing


Fifty years later the Japanese pilot, who survived the war, would return to Oregon to help dedicate a historical plaque at the exact spot where his two bombs had impacted. The elderly pilot then donated his ceremonial sword as a gesture of peace and closure of the bombing of Oregon in 1942.

With Senators like this, who needs Constitutional government?

January 26th, 2012

Montana’s junior U.S. senator Jon Tester is fighting to retain his entitlements in DC. I receive lovely email updates about his activities protecting and defending the constitution of the United States. It was after yet another post about yet another self-promoting community meeting that I dared satisfy my curiosity as to what else he was doing with his time:


Mon 16 Jan

Sen. Tester —

Thank you for the email regarding your recent activities.

What I really want to know is, *what steps are you and your colleagues in the Senate taking regarding President Obama’s illegal “recess” appointment when Congress was not in recess?*

We are a nation of laws, not men. This is a violation of our U.S. Constitution! If left unchallenged it is an abdication of sworn duties by Congress. If our elected officials lack the integrity to uphold and defend the Constitution, as is their sworn duty, then none of your town hall meetings will have any relevance as the country spirals into ruin.

This is madness! And failure to stop such a blatant wrong disgraces Montanan ideals of honesty, integrity, and courage.

Regards —


On Wed, Jan 25, 2012 at 2:27 PM, Senator Jon Tester <> wrote:

Dear Thomas,

Thank you for contacting me about the President’s recent recess appointments.  I appreciate your perspective on this issue.

I have concerns about that the broken process has led to these appointments.  Nominees without controversial personal backgrounds deserve an up-or-down vote in the Senate based on whether they can do the job they were nominated to do, but too often partisan gridlock gets in the way.  Some senators insist on blocking votes simply to score political points, and I believe that’s wrong. For me, citizenship is more important than partisanship.

I hope you will contact me again with your concerns or if I can be of further assistance.


Jon Tester
United States Senator


Mon 26 Jan

Sen. Tester —

Thank you for your reply.

Again, we are a nation of laws, not men. Where does the Constitution state that the President can ignore law because he finds it inconvenient?

The process is the process. We have checks-and-balances with divided governmental powers specifically to reign in megalomaniacs and autocrats.

This appointment is an illegal breach of Constitutional powers. If left unchallenged it is an abdication of sworn duties by Congress. If you lack the integrity to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution which is in place to protect all Americans — of all races and all beliefs and all political affiliations, then why do Montanans need you in D.C. as our Senator?

Regards —


Sad and frightening. I’m reluctant to call such politicians “stupid.” They know exactly what they are doing — abandoning integrity and discourse for personal gain and stolen power. What’s harder to understand is, how do such people get elected? Oh yeh. You don’t reject Santa Clause.