Sorry, no. Our training aircraft are single-engine land planes.
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Records in this category
- Do you offer flight training in helicopters?
- I like the design of your checklists. Is this template available online so I can customize my checklists?
- Is "integrated instruction" a practical method?
- At untowered airports I hear, "Traffic in the area, please advise," Is this correct procedure?
- Any tips for new and aspiring flight instructors?
- How important is "airmanship" with modern aircraft?
- How can a student help their CFI to teach?
- What do flight instructors look for in good students?
- How can a student recognize proper flight instruction?
- What is FAA's definition of "known icing?"
- Can I fly with only one good eye?
- Business or Brotherhood? by Charles Spencer Jr.
- Conducting Introductory Flights by Ralph Butcher
- How Do You Know If You Are A Commercial Air Tour Operator? by Greg Reigel
- Private Pilot Airplane Training & Cost Calculator
ID #1007
Do you offer flight training in helicopters?
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Related entries:
- What is an entity's liability during flight training?
- Any tips for new and aspiring flight instructors?
- How can a student recognize proper flight instruction?
- What do flight instructors look for in good students?
- What are the benefits and misconceptions surrounding aerobatics and upset training?
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